DEDINKY hotel - 0.21h DOB\\u0160INSK\\u00c1 MA\\u0160A - 0:23h POD \\u010cI\\u017dMOU - 0:50h SOKOLIA DOLINA \\u00fastie - 3:20h SPI\\u0160SK\\u00c9 TOM\\u00c1\\u0160OVCE vlak - 5:30h<\\\/td><\\\/tr>
DOB\\u0160INSK\\u00dd KOPEC - 0.30h DOB\\u0160IN\\u00c1 - 1:30h<\\\/td><\\\/tr><\\\/table>\",\"trails\":\"Major tourist resort in the southern part of the Slovak Paradise National Park. The village lies on the banks of the dam Palcmansk\\u00e1 Masa in the Hnilec river valley below the southern slopes of the plateau and its Geravy Gacovska skala. It has good transport links with the surrounding area, is located on bus lines and rail (track Elected - Margecany, fast train station). Transportation may train from Banska Bystrica through stop Dobsinska ladova jaskyna (15 km) or Margecany., National park Slovensky raj\"},\"videoss\":[],\"images\":[],\"imagesWysiwyg\":[{\"id\":\"42\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"dedinky_vlak_2-2014-05-28-18-50-43.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\"},{\"id\":\"43\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"dedinky_vlak_1-2014-05-28-18-50-43.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\"},{\"id\":\"44\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"dedinky_vlak_3-2014-05-28-18-58-55.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\"}]}"); window.modules = JSON.parse('[]'); Dedinky (train) | Lesný športový areál Grajnár - Hiking trails
DEDINKY hotel - 0.21h DOBŠINSKÁ MAŠA - 0:23h POD ČIŽMOU - 0:50h SOKOLIA DOLINA ústie - 3:20h SPIŠSKÉ TOMÁŠOVCE vlak - 5:30h
Major tourist resort in the southern part of the Slovak Paradise National Park. The village lies on the banks of the dam Palcmanská Masa in the Hnilec river valley below the southern slopes of the plateau and its Geravy Gacovska skala. It has good transport links with the surrounding area, is located on bus lines and rail (track Elected - Margecany, fast train station). Transportation may train from Banska Bystrica through stop Dobsinska ladova jaskyna (15 km) or Margecany., National park Slovensky raj