OB\\u010cASN\\u00dd PRAME\\u0147 - 0:22h
STRATENSK\\u00dd KA\\u0147ON - 0.55h
R\\u00c1ZCESTIE V MAL\\u00ddCH ZAJFOCH - 1.25h
GERAVY - 2.00h<\\\/td><\\\/tr><\\\/table>\",\"trails\":\"One of the most forward-looking peaks in the central part of Slovak Paradise with a very steep rocky cliffs that fall to the south and southeast to the valley of the Velky Zajf. Located m.n.m. 1156. In the rocky slopes of Havrania skala is a small cave several areas. Under the Havrania skala is a special phenomenon of the Slovak Paradise spring-Obcasny pramen. Does it yellow trail and nature trail.Slovak Paradise National Park\"},\"videoss\":[],\"images\":[],\"imagesWysiwyg\":[{\"id\":\"86\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"havrania_skala_1-2014-06-05-9-36-23.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\"},{\"id\":\"87\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"havrania_skala_2-2014-06-05-9-36-23.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\"}]}"); window.modules = JSON.parse('[]');
One of the most forward-looking peaks in the central part of Slovak Paradise with a very steep rocky cliffs that fall to the south and southeast to the valley of the Velky Zajf. Located m.n.m. 1156. In the rocky slopes of Havrania skala is a small cave several areas. Under the Havrania skala is a special phenomenon of the Slovak Paradise spring-Obcasny pramen. Does it yellow trail and nature trail.Slovak Paradise National Park